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beautiful things come into your life
Kaise Cycle Project
Feldenkrais Method®︎
Think about the relationship between your bike and your body
Riding a bike
Nearby, to the lane, to the boulevard, to the distance
As an exercise
As a walking aid
For transporting luggage
Put the child in the car seat
When riding a bicycle
Grab with your hands, straddle with your feet, sit, pedal with your feet, put your feet down
To maintain the bike
Focus your attention on your whole body
Like pumping air into a bicycle tire
Allow the body to breathe
Like oiling your bike to make sure it's working.
Listen to your body's sensations as you move
Is it easy to step on the ground? Is your neck free to look around?
Do your wrists and hands hurt? Are your arms free?
Just like the weather, our bodies change every day, but each day has its own way of moving.
Where shall I go with this body today?
About the Feldenkrais Method
Feldenkrais® is named after its creator, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. There is no model or form to aim for, and instead of imitating, you explore harmonious, high-quality movements that fit your own skeletal structure. It is not something that requires everyone to do the same movements. It also uses a lot of soft movements that we experience during our development as babies. There are two types of lessons: Awareness Through Movement®/ATM, which can be done in groups, and Functional Integration®/FI, which is an individual session.
Awareness Through Movement/ATM involves spontaneous movement, following the practitioner's verbal guidance, to explore how your body feels, how it responds, how you can use it, how to slow down the movement, and when you need to rest, through a voluntary, slow and comfortable range of movement. Gradually, your perception becomes more delicate, and awkwardness changes to smoothness. The perception acquired through the various movements of ATM can be applied to your daily life. It helps you to explore where the strain is in your movement, how to distribute it and convert it into endurance, what habits may be causing pain, and how you can do it.
In individual sessions, Functional Integration (FI) is a hands-on method of integrating functions with a practitioner. The practitioner guides you through movements that you might otherwise skip, and you listen to the ripples of the movements and communicate with your kinesthetic senses.
Learning your own movements through ATM and FI and learning from your senses will help you heal yourself, avoid and recover from injuries, and improve your skills. Lessons are conducted in comfortable clothing and involve a lot of lying down and sitting positions.
Natsuyo SEKIYA
Feldenkrais International Certified Practitioner

In preparation